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AGES 8-10


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Ages 8-10: From Temples to Tombs

Marvel at the amazing mythologies, cities, and societies of ancient and medieval cultures from round the world.  We will explore architecture and archaeology from the Near Ease, Egypt, Greece and beyond!  The Adventurers will learn how the ancient Egyptians perceived the afterlife and why the Romans worshipped their gods in temples.  During this week the Adventurers will meet the mythological dog Cerberus, learn ancient Near Eastern Cuneiform, build a Viking longship, mummify an animal  (a plush one of course!), and take part in the temple games.

Refund Policy

A $50 non-refundable fee will be applied if a cancellation is made outside of 30 days prior to the start date of the camp. Cancellation within 30 days of the start date of the camp will result in the Museum of Antiquities retaining $100.00 from the registration fee and the remainder will be refunded. No refund will be given once the camp has started. There is a $25.00 non-refundable fee for substituting a camp any time prior to the camp's start date and a change can only be made if there is a spot(s) available in the desired camp(s).

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Course Code: ASAM120