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University of Saskatchewan


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This course is not currently open for online registration
Please contact us for more information regarding its availability at or 306.966.5539

German 9

For students who have successfully completed German 8 or who have comparable skills.  

Students will learn and master:

  • Haufigkeitangahen machen
  • Frühstucksgewsohnheiten
  • Dinge im Haushalt benennen
  • Gespräch im Restaurant fulinen
  • Private Einladungen
  • Ratschläge geben
  • Bedingungen Ausdrücken
  • Telefon Gespräch
  • Zeitungmeldung
  • Etwas Vergleichen
  • Im Restaurant Reklamieren


Non-Credit course
Progress report provided at the completion of the class.


Fall & Winter terms:  1 class per week for 10 weeks, 2 hours a class.
Spring & Summer terms:  1 class per week for 8 weeks, 2 and a 1/2 hours a class.


Assessed at German Level 9 or completed Level 8

To be sure this is the correct level in which to register, have a speaking assessment done.
Please contact Gisele Piche at 306.966.4355 or email her at

All participants must be at least 16 years old when classes start.

Required Co-Requisites

  • G9 ASSESSMENT - German 9 Assessment  (1 of the following)
    • ASM000 2018Z G9A - Assessed at German 9 
    • ASM000 2019Z G9A - Assessed at German 9 
    • ASM000 2020Z G9A - Assessed at German 9 
    • ASM000 2021Z G9A - Assessed at German 9 
    • ASM000 2022Z G9A - Assessed at German 9 
    • ASM000 2023Z G9A - Assessed at German 9 
    • ASM000 2024Z G9A - Assessed at German 9 
    • ASM000 2025Z G9A - Assessed at German 9 

Refund Policy

Refund Policy: A $75.00 + taxes withdrawal fee is charged for withdrawing from a course at least 2 weeks prior to the course start date. No course refund is processed after this time. Non-attendance does not constitute notice of withdrawal. The Arts & Sciences Languages Non-Credit Programming Unit reserves the right to cancel courses when there is insufficient enrollment, in these cases a full refund will be issued. No transfers will be allowed from one term to another term. If a class is cancelled during the term, these hours will be rescheduled and made up. However, if a student misses a class, no rescheduling or make up classes occur.

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Course Code: ASM609